Choose To Be Happy

We make a dozen choices everyday. We choose what to wear, what to eat, which book to read, what work we like, our favorite person and many more. Making choices does not end and each moment of each day we are choosing one over the other. So, what should be the core of making the right choice? Should it be taking the hard choice when your heart is not in it and you are struggling with it ? Should it be the one that pleases someone else?

NO! Any choice that you make, should be the one that makes you happy and makes you feel at peace. Because at the end of the day, if you are not happy with what you choose for yourself, how will you go through with it? So wear a dress that you want, eat what you like, read a book that you want to read, and be with the person that you love spending time with!

“Happiness is a choice. You have to choose it – and you have to fight for it.” – Drew Barrymore

I Got You

We often hear that “I love you” are the most powerful three words and have great meaning. But are they enough to stay by the entire time? Well, they often need to be supported by other actions and words, right?

Today, I saw an interesting post by one of my friends. She had posted, ” I got you is sometimes more important than I love you.” When I read it, I felt its truth. Having someone who stands by you no matter what is so important and often times we overlook this fact, be it our parents, our partner, best friends, and take it for granted. These few people who have your back are the ones who give meaning to these three words, “I Got You.’

So, hold on to them and guard them because you never know someone out there, just like you is waiting and has envisaged a happy picture, wanting this very close circle of friends and family in their lives who would protect them and love them.

Meet Your Soul

Recently, I have been practicing yoga and meditation and I must say it has been a calming experience. This is because yoga activates the body each day and I feel fresh and active to take on the day. Also, meditation has been helpful to get in tune with my thoughts and actually feel the surroundings. I would say that it has been the best way to know my thoughts and learn what I truly feel. This could be because generally we never really pay attention to what we are thinking in the hustle and bustle of life everyday. So, meditation can be a way to “Meet your Soul.

I know that I am just reiterating what many yoga and meditation experts say but this is my personal experience that I thought I could share.

So, please proceed and try because, “The quieter you become, the more you can hear.

Be A Champion: Don’t Give Up

Have you ever wondered why champions are successful? Have you wanted to listen to their stories and know the secret ingredients to their success? Well, one of the ingredient that got these stars to the top was their attitude of never giving up. They kept trying and failing and trying again till they got it right. They hit roadblocks, had millions of critics around but they chose to disregard the unimportant comments and focused on what mattered i.e their goal.

It is obviously a bumpy ride and the way to the top will not be easy but the only way is persistence until you achieve what you wish for in the right manner.

So, Be a champion and persist until you get it right!

Live Your Dream

Photo by Designecologist on

They say “Dare to dream” but let’s add to it. “Live your dream” A dream can be anything, a personal fulfilment or a professional achievement. But we often wait for the right time, the perfect time, where all the circumstances align so that you can finally follow your passion, your DREAM. Is this right?

Don’t think so! Why wait, when you can take slow steps and be a part of the process of achieving what you wish for. If you are working towards it, the universe will mysteriously align itself and create a path towards your goal, your dream to help you fulfil it.

So, dare to dream, live your dream, and reach for the sky!

Smile Always – The Easiest Way to Positivity

A lot is said about spreading positivity but where do you start? Well, here is the answer. The easiest way to start spreading positivity is a warm smile, an immediate boost to remove the doom and gloom. Sending a warm smile to someone who is having a hard day just sends a message that “No matter what, it is going to be okay.”

Also, if you are having a hard day, it maybe a tough but at such a time you can start by thinking of someone or something that makes you smile or feel better and strong to face the day.

So just remember, “No matter what happens in life, keep smiling!”